Showing: 1911

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Dave Ryan

A capable and talented player originally recruited from Yarrawonga he was used as a follower and

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Tom Baxter

Tom Baxter was a brilliant, fast and talented rover. But it’s easy to forget that, simply because

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Dick Lee

Mention the name Dick Lee to any football supporter and it immediately evokes images of freakish

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Percy Gibb

In the early 1900s, Percy Gibb was hot property. He'd played in a VFA Premiership with Richmond in

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Jock McHale

Arguably the greatest figure in the club's history, Jock McHale played for 17 seasons, coached for

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George Angus

One of the most understated of all Collingwood’s early skippers, George Angus nevertheless managed

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Ted Rowell

More than 1200 men have pulled on the Collingwood jumper since the club's first outing in 1892, and