Showing: 1965

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Kevin McLean

The old days of suburban football, with each club being allocated residential zones from which it

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Max Urquhart

If there is one thing that anyone with even a passing interest in 1960s Collingwood footballers

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Terry Waters

It is a minor miracle that Terry Waters ever played for Collingwood. There were four other clubs

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Des Tuddenham

In his 12 years and 182 games at Victoria Park, Des Tuddenham time and again proved himself to be

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Mick Erwin

Mick Erwin started the 1962 season viewing it as a year of consolidation and growth. He’d just come

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Mick Bone

There are few footballers Collingwood fans are more likely to take to their hearts than a small,

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Laurie Hill

Collingwood possessed some wonderful footballers in the mid-1960s – famous names like Wayne

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Warren Roper

Few players have undertaken a longer journey, or shown more self-belief, to make it at Collingwood

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David Norman

Dave Norman was one of those players whose career should have been longer, and more fulfilling,

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Trevor Steer

In the 2000s, there were plenty of football teams that would have killed for a player with Trevor

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John Mahon

Former Magpie skipper Gordon Hocking was once known as footy’s “smallest big man”, for his