Hopefully by now you've already worked out that Collingwood is celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2017. That's right, the biggest and most famous sporting club in Australia turns 125 this year. It was on May 7, 1892, that the Magpies turned out for their first ever game as a senior football club, against Carlton at Victoria Park. That was a massive moment for the downtrodden suburb, which had long wanted a football club it could truly call its own. But even its most ardent advocates couldn't have envisaged what a powerhouse – both on and off the field – the new club would quickly become. There will be plenty of celebrations this year. One book, In Black & White, a year by year look at the club's development, came out a few months ago. Another, Champions of Collingwood, telling the stories of the 125 greatest players in the club's history, has just been released. The anniversary game and function have already been held, but there are still more events to come, including a special memorabilia display in the foyer at the Holden Centre. So to keep up with everything that's happening during our 125th anniversary season, check out our special 125 Hub, the club's main website and right here, at Forever. And to find out more about how Collingwood came to be, check out these stories.