Showing: 1927

One Hit Wonders: Tom Baxter & Charlie Tyson

The main focus of our One Hit Wonder series has been on those players whose star shone brightly but

Machine Medals Donated

The four Premiership medals won by ruckman/forward Bob Makeham in the famous Machine team triumphs

A '20s cult figure

By: Michael Roberts, Collingwood Historian. Football in the late 1920s was a tough caper for

The trip that kick-started The Machine

By: Glenn McFarlane, Herald Sun journalist and Collingwood historian. It's the most arduous trip

Syd Coventry Snr won Collingwood's first Copeland Trophy in 1927.
The Brownlow Medallists: Syd Coventry

By: Glenn McFarlane THE 1927 season started with one of Collingwood's most contentious selection

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1927: Collingwood vs Richmond (GF)

The Argus Monday 3 October COLLINGWOOD PREMIERS. PLAYED IN THE WET. Disappointing Finish