Match Report

SOUTH MELBOURNE'S FINE WIN. Concerted teamwork throughout, and a remarkably strong rally in the final quarter, when five goals were scored in as many many minutes, were the two primary factors in South Melbourne's victory over Collingwood on the former team's ground. While the match was not a brilliant exhibition of football, both sides played a clean and vigorous game, and the spectators were always interested. With the advantage of the wind in the first quarter, South Melbourne quickly scored a behind. Followed their first goal from Hutchinson, and then Collingwood attached, and Curtis raised the two flags. From a fine place kick by Robertson the second goal was scored for the home team, and before the term concluded Morgan had added another two goals, and Collingwood, after a goal from Curtis, faced the second quarter with a leeway of 14 points. Although the wind was against them, the Southerners in the second quarter played a fine, concerted game. From the wing Brennan forwarded, and Robertson added another goal. Collingwood then took charge of the game, but five minor points were added before Curtis, marking well from Drummond, passed to R. Lee, who sent the ball through the goals. South, although playing fine football, were now on the defensive and Collingwood's fourth goal was secured a few minutes later by Wraith, who punted it easily through. At halftime the visitors were still 9 points points behind, and a few minutes after the bounce South, through the agency of Lowrey, had increased their lead by another goal. Ryan, marking well, failed for the goal, but succeeded with his next shot. Collingwood, however, were playing a greatly improved game, and Curtis kept the Southern backs busy. Deas saved, and Morgan marked well, but the ball was secured by Maceaclinie, who sent it down the wing. Deas again saved, but Curtis, after a fine mark, passed to R. Lee, who made Collingwood's fifth goal. Three more goals were added by Hughes, Wilson and Lee, and the visitors were then only a point behind. In the last quarter South made a lively attack. A minute after the bounce Howell sent the ball up, and Morgan snapped a goal for South. Good play by Tandy and Robertson again brought the play to the Collingwood end, and Tandy, with a fine angle shot, secured another goal. A minute later Howell, playing a great game, got the ball out of the ruck, and Morgan raised the two flags. From a snapshot by the same player South Melbourne's twelfth goal was secured, and the applause was still ringing when he again sent the ball through the posts - five goals in five minutes. Collingwood, playing hard to stem this remarkable rush, missed several easy shots, until Reynolds, with a snap kick, obtained their ninth goal. Howell was playing very effectively on the back line for the home team, and the visitors could only get two more minor points before Mutch put the ball through. Good play on the part of Wilson, and a series of marks from McCarthy and Drummond to Curtis resulted in a behind being added to the score. South then had the game in hand until the gong. Final scores: - SOUTH MELBOURNE - 13 goals, 12 behinds, COLLINGWOOD - 12 goals, 13 behinds. For the winners, Howell, Morgan, Rademacher and Tandy were the most conspicuous, and Wilson (especially in the last quarter), Hughes, Drummond and McCarthy shone out amongst the Collingwood players. 1917 'SOUTH MELBOURNE'S FINE WIN. Concerted.', The Age(Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), 9 July, p. 10, viewed 21 August, 2015,