Match Report

COLLINGWOOD HARD PUSHED. GOOD GAME AT ST. KILDA. A capital fight was put up by St. Kilda against Collingwood on the seasiders ground. There wasn’t much to choose between the teams, and the spectators were kept interested in the play from start to finish. Collingwood had an advantage in their better organisation, though St. Kilda showed considerable improvement on their games of this season. During the last quarter they flattered their supporters that the first win of the season was to be scored as they led by 4 points within 10 minutes of the finish of the game. Collingwood then dashed forward with determination. Working well together, they got the upper hand, and finished with 10 points to the good. St. Kilda would have received more efficient service from their defenders in these last few minutes play had there been a better understanding as to which of their opponents they had to watch. One blemish on the game was the umpiring of Winslow up till three-quarter time.  Glaring breaches of the rules were frequently unnoticed, though neither side could legitimately accuse him of partiality. Collingwood had Rowell,Angus, and Norris in the team, in the places of Vernon, Jackson, and Hackett. Gravenall reappeared with St. Kilda, and Wilson, a junior, was also included. Kicking to the north goal, St. Kilda jumped to the attack on the start of the play. Soon Collingwood were in trouble, and Stewart scored a goal after the ball had been smartly passed to him by Eicke. In a crush Morrissey shot the ball between his legs to Thomas, who passed it to Gravenall, and up went seemed goal for the seasiders. Collingwood then took a turn in the play, and Ryan, from a map, struck a goal-post. Another assault by St. Kilda, who were playing welltogether, put Collingwood defenders again on their mettle. Rowe banged the ball from the grandstand wing over to Pearcem, and Morrissey brought off a high mark, which led to third goal for his side. First goal to Collingwood came from Wilson from a mark. In the second quarter the St. Kilda players were as faulty in handling the ball as they had been as accurate in the first stage. Collingwood had, however, got into stride, and with smart concerted action kept the play well forward. Ryan snapped goal, and Lee, with a free kick in front, got a behind. The latter was successful with another shot from a mark, and Collingwood at half-time led by 6 points. A clever bit of play be Lee, who dodged two opponents and kicked fourth goal for Collingwood, was an early incident of the third quarter. The visitors again prevailed from the bounce, and the ball was carried up the centre to Hughes, who scored fifth goal, and gave his side a substantial lead. Lee had a chance immediately afterwards, and a behind resulted. St. Kilda now brightened up, and Woodcock snapped fourth goal, which was shortly afterwards followed by the fifth from the foot of Gant. The seasiders were only 2 points to the bad on crossing over, and when Eicke kicked sixth goal supporters were jubilant, as the team were showing good form. Collingwood rallied to-wards the finish, and Ryan and Norris each snapped a goal. Among the Collingwood defenders, excellent work was done by Shorten, while Scaddan was not far behind him. McHale was not as conspicuous as he usually is in the centre. Gibb put in some fine dashes on one wing, and Sadlier on the other performed capably. Lee and Angus were the best of the forwards. An immense amount of work was well done by Ryan in the ruck. Just before the finish he injured a knee, and was afterwards helpless. Wilson roved fairly, and Baxter brilliantly. St. Kilda had two particularly fine players in Morrissey and Dangerfield. The former was a host in himself in the ruck, and Dangerfiled's defence was superb. Lever, Ryan, and Plowman also did well in the rear division. If anything, Pierce, in the centre, had more of the play than McHale, and Scott had the call of Gibb in that he was consistently good. Eicke and Gant were prominent in attack, while Woodcock and Monar followed efficiently, and Thomas roved cleverly. 1910 'COLLINGWOOD HARD PUSHED.', The Argus(Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 18 July, p. 5, viewed 7 August, 2015,