Match Report

AN INDIFFERENT GAME. By OBSERVER. Not even a partisan of either side could say there was much in the game between Collingwood and St. Kilda worth watching. There was across wind at Victoria-park, some rather erratic  umpiring by Carriss and, with the ball going out of bounds about once in every half-dozen kicks,  little in it beyond the victory for Collingwood, which even the winners were not inclined to grow frenzied about. St. Kilda had evidently set themselves to spoil Collingwood's system; Collingwood men had apparently been told to spoil Cumberland, without giving the umpire a chance to interfere. St. Kilda succeeded in their purpose, Collingwood did not; yet St. Kilda were beaten in that, having broken up Collingwood's system, they had not one of their own ready to put in place of it, and the aimless, objectless game was played to an uninteresting finish, with two packs of sturdy athletes bumping against each other more frequently than was at all necessary. Pannam and Condon were exceedingly clever at passing it on to their forwards, and as an exhibition of skill it was the redeeming feature of a bad game. Once Rickards, of St. Kilda, in punching at the ball, missed it, and struck the umpire in the mouth - obviously an accident. But while the umpire was ascertaining whether all his teeth were still in place, Collingwood had rushed it on, and A. Leech put it through the goal. The goal umpire, following his instructions, would not hoist the two flags till the field umpire signalled "all clear," and Carriss, having seen nothing of that important few seconds, brought back the ball and bounced it where he and not the game had been interrupted. In a close game there would have been a pretty wrangle, but as a matter of fact it merely squared it goal practically given to Collingwood in a free-kick to Rowell, for what reason not one of the thousands looking on could offer the least explanation. In the first quarter the play was slightly in favour of Collingwood, but in the second and third St. Kilda, though effectually spoiling Collingwood's favourable game, scored nothing for themselves. In the final quarter St. Kilda were at their best, and that was really the only stage in which the game was worth watching. I should think M'Cormack the most useful man for the winners, though Incoll, in addition to his back play, was following finely in the last quarter. Dummett and Monohan were also prominent, though the latter was held fairly well in check by Nixon, of St. Kilda. Smith, too, played some good football alongside Pannam without quite matching him. Tulloch and Peers were as useful forward as in the close play, and Angas and Leech were valuable followers. Cumberland, watch him as they might, was again a great power for St.Kilda, and until he wrenched his leg Barwick was working effectually. Powell paid particular attention to Rowell, and kept him quite. On the half-back lines Hogan was of course a valuable force, and Ricards gave him sound help when not following; but Owen made more mistakes than is usual with him. Gravenall, a collegian with undoubted pace, settled into his place easily, and has evidently played in pretty smart company Cowell was another useful man. 1903 'FOOTBALL.', The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), 17 August, p. 7, viewed 31 July, 2015,